Dutch Dykes Get it On

Anne+: The Film” Streams on Netflix Worldwide

Have you heard about this "Anne+"? Anne (played by Hanna van Vliet) is a 20something lesbian learning how to navigate romantic relationships + keeping her connection with her eclectic queer community and family of friends she has lived, laughed, and loved with. All the while writing her first novel.

I watched this flick, and I am here to say it will make you smile, break your heart, and leave you wanting more.

Bonus Info: Written, directed, and performed by a clever crew of queer Dutch filmmakers, they busted their you-know-what to independently produced Anne+ first as a web series, which you can see on YouTube. People worldwide loved it so much, they made a feature film!

Also check out the Anne+ Foundation, which supports queer and female makers to broaden representation in the (Dutch) media. 

Follow Anne+ on Instagram!

- Brought to you by Doris Anderson’s Lesbian Street Beat.